gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Alla inlägg under september 2010

Av Kristin - 7 september 2010 21:05

We got mail today, one letter.

Who can it be from..?

Yes, one of the parlaments that wants my vote in election in 12 days.

I have one question to them all;

How are they thinking when they want to save the environment, BUT still sending out milions of letters to the swedish people?? Is that saving the nature??

If it is, well I dont think I need to care that much as I do about the trash separation...?

And instead of just puting pee, shit and paper in the toilet, I can also leave tampongs...?

Just think about how many trees that was needed, all that gas, oli that was spent.

Maybe the only good think is they are giving people job opportunity to deliver those letters.

(We got letters from every parlament, even environment-parlament...)  

Av Kristin - 7 september 2010 14:26

Im geting so tired on those people that thinks they know exactly what I should do!

So what that I dont have a job. I like to be at home to do what I want. Specially now when I have been oruc, I can rest when I feel I need to, I can do housework outside or inside, I can help my family with what they need and I can eat when iftar comes.

Like my garndmum, she say every day that I should find a job. A full time job, move out from mums house, find my own apartment, stop fool around with islam and get a boyfriend in Sweden.

Well grandmum, whats the point to get a job when I can just work till begining of january, becouse Gökhan is out from army then. Plus I live on Gotland which mean its no job wintertime! Sure I could go around and ask if someone need help, that should probably be the most effectiv way to get a job. But who want to hire a woman for full time and that can just work till january? Maybe they want me to work in Örebro this winter too, sure I should be able to do. If I found a new place to stay. My other room I rented there the owner started to be personaly close or what I should say... to stand in middle of the night in just underwear and t-shirt infront of a muslim woman when she just came home from work, is not OKAY!! Absolutly not acceptable!

Yes, Im also losing retirement pension on beeing at home and going to Turkey half the year. But sorry Im planing to move down there on full time. Maybe in future we will move back to Sweden, when our future kids InsAllah will start school.

Becouse I love my man! He is the one and only for me!

I converted to Islam soon a year ago and it was the best thing I have done for a long time. Im not the best one, I have still much to learn and Im learning every day! So when Im standing there and the judgementday I hope I am a good and faithful muslim. Allahu Akbar.

Grandmum, please. Im here at home, here to help you. When I have been working you complained that no one care about you. No one was thinking about that you needed to shop, that you needed to go to the doctor, go to meet friends and that you need help in garden. GRANDMUM, IM HERE TO HELP YOU AND EVERYONE EALS!

Im not just saying that my grandmum complaining. Its Everyone!

I am me and I cant be like you even if I try the most. I need to find my own way to paradise, maybe it will not be straight and it should not be eather.

Im sorry if I hurted someone, dident mean to

I just needed to say what I feel about my position right now. Thank you!

Av Kristin - 7 september 2010 10:48

I got one of the best wake ups;

my dear friend Philip just took his driving licens!

I'm so proud over him. He finally got it!


Av Kristin - 6 september 2010 21:30

I feel so sorry for those people that have a weight over 100. Specially the guy that i 24 years old and weight 206,6 kg (456 lbs), it was wonderful to see him walk up over that hill the last time, and those other suported him. Talk about teamwork!

Same time I see this program I feel accerly slim.

My BMI have been always over 30, which means I was more then overweight.

When I started to act as a muslim, I lost 10 kg! I dident go on a diet, I dident exercise more but I lived a healty life.

Now under ramazan I lost 3-5 kg. I feel great!

Today my BMI is under 30, accerly 25,9 so I just passed the line from overweight to normal!!

This year ramazan made me realize I dont need that much food, not any extra.

Specially meat, I rather eat vegetarian or fish and chicken. I absolutly dont eat pork, candy/cakes with gelatine and dont drinking alcohol.

Im just saying, to be that big as they are in Biggest Loser Sverige is no fun at all! I say keep up the good work for a healty life.

For the couple that cant have baby becouse of overweight. Work hard and you will get what you most want!

Allah Kabul Etsin...

If you have problem with overweight? Take a look at this site - http://biggest-loser.se/

Av Kristin - 6 september 2010 20:20

I have been trying to cook a Turkish stew, but I dont know. I accerly dont know the recipe just trying to remember how it looked like! Not so easy...

In the end I just put in all diffrent vegetable, onion, paprika, tomato, carrot, potato and peas. I know its supose to be meat in it, so took some chicken and boild it.

So tonights Iftar is gonna be exciting, if it taste bad I dont have any backup. And for me who have been oruc all day should not do this kind of tryouts.

Well I got some yoghurt and homebaked bread if it should be absolutely not edible.

Im half turk right? Oh yeah, I am. So yoghurt and bread should be great!

Av Kristin - 6 september 2010 09:51

At least Im shining, sadly the sun is not on same mood as me today.

Accerly I sleep kind of bad, had bad dreams....

Me and my man was gonna eat huge exotice frutes at Caribbean and after that we were gonna eat some horrible foods, half living on a stick. Then sealion came and destroyed everything.

Try to crack this dream dream-teller!

No! I have to go clean, its more then 50 flys on floor that we had to kill to be able to get some sleep. Floor is more black then brown...

Av Kristin - 5 september 2010 20:30

Ohhh...I love food!

Todays oruc was between 4:20 to 19:43, not so long as it was in begining.

Ramazans first day was between 3:27 - 20:49, so as you can see around 1 hours diffrent. Tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday is left of holy ramazan. Fells sad, but also a relief to be able to eat when you feel the blood suger is low.

I talked to my husband who is in army, he is all fine.

They did take it easy today, so he accerly could be oruc too. Aferin!

But tomorrow all soldiers are gonna take three health protecting medication shots. I feel so sorry for them!

I hate shots by my self, I can really feel how the needel goes into my skin.   

No I cant sit here, its time for dessert! Melon and nectarine, Mmmm so good!

I love dessert more then food but dont tell my man..Oki?

Av Kristin - 5 september 2010 12:29




I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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