gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Alla inlägg den 20 september 2010

Av Kristin - 20 september 2010 21:02

Its evil to make them face all that trashfood. But also has a good point with it, to see if they learned something under that time they have been there.

Just imagine from McDonalds, 12 kcal in just a ketchup, 340 kcal in frise, 495 kcal in a burger.

For you that eat at least once a week on McDonalds, Max, Burger King, Sibylla or any other fastfood chain you are not taking care of your own body.

And I know sometimes you just feel like you have to eat a burger with extra big frise and coke maybe some fried onionrings. But why?? Yeah just becouse of bad self-control and commercial.

I was accerly recently at Max with mum to grab a burger becouse of they sent out checks in the mail that you could by one and get second free. So we did, why not when we were in Visby and we earned money on it.

But I got so disappointed, the burger wasent cooked well so the meat was still little red. First time I eat a burger on a long time becouse I havent been sure if its 100% beefmeat. InsAllah it also is!

But anyway I really feelt how my body dident respond well. I feelt so sick and not just becouse it wasent well done, it was just that its trash food.

I can absolutly not understand them that can eat that every day!

This people are over 100 kg and me I am screard to hell to get over 70 when Im now finally under...

I had 3 day holiday that I havent been out walking every evening becouse of bad weather and sickness. But Im ashamed of my self and I just see the scale geting closer to 70... 

I never ever want to be 85 as I was 2 years ago.

Never I'll take by body into the trash food again!

Thats why I love ramazan it makes my get better self-control, but now its a whole year till next...

Av Kristin - 20 september 2010 09:21

OMG! Gotlands people whats wrong with you??

1166 (3,1%) votes on SverigeDemokraterna... Thats 1166 to many!!

1. If its just some silly young new voters that just think it should be cool the see what would happen.

2. Or maybe old men that are affraid and insecure of the world around them.

Well I say...ASSHOLE! Dont you see what can happen, they are racists and nazis!

Do we want the time back when Hitler was the leader.

3. Sadly its some foreign residents that havent understod the diffrent of SvergieDemokraterna and SocialDemokraterna, becouse of the language difficulties.

Just look at Netherlands parliamentary, their FreedomParlament are now ruling.

A parlimant that are against muslim and all people that are diffrent from them. (Any bells calling back to Hitlers times?)

One of things the FreedomParliament demand should happen is that Quran shouls be forbidden in Nertherland.

All other parliaments does not want to cooperate with them, they see that its wrong.

And now many months after their voting they have not formed a government.

Its up to people them self to choose religion same as the politics. But when they are insulting people then its worng. Then we need to start do something!

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I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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