gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Alla inlägg den 25 september 2010

Av Kristin - 25 september 2010 20:05

Ay ayy...what a day!

The day starts with mum going to hospital becouse her eardrum had broken under the night.

After I ate lunch I started to boil coffe and pack a basket, I was gonna suprice grandmum with a picknick and go to Klintemarknad.

So I ran into grandmums house, shouting hurry hurry grandmum we are going...blabla and she said okay. I run back home to pack everything in the car. Cookies, muffins, buns, coffe, two chairs and a blanket.

Stiffmum called when I was at grandmums and say dad got glas in his arm! He needs to go to hospital. But they got my uncle to drive him in.

Driving to grandmum and off we go!!

We come to Klintehamn and we meet a sea of people!

We are walking around, looking at things and people. Grandmum likes to spen monay I have notist. But she had to ask me if what she bought was unnecessary, but she just got good stuff. Like dryed frutes, cleaning blanket and socks and 'wienerbröd'.

I found also a cleaning blanket for computers, 'polkagris' and yarn. So now my other grandmum have something to do all winter, make me socks!!

After we drove to Klintehamn harbour sat down on a bench and pulled up all sweets on our coffetable. Ay ayy we ate so much!

Well at home it was just to take action in housework...in with the laundry it was not dry yet so I had to hang it up inside. Changes clothes and went out walking for a 1,10 min. Lovely.

Home again and mum waiting me becouse they wanted to go at restaurant to eat...yeah right I want to when Im all wet in sweat.

So I had the evening by my self with all housework and a bulgur omelett...

Now Im waiting my husband to be online he said he would this morning. But maybe he got patrol tonight.

So I'll watch a romantic movie instead!!

  A photo from my walk when the sun goes down in fog.

Av Kristin - 25 september 2010 08:55


ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لاَ رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ




This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt,

a guidance unto those who ward off (evil).




Denna Skrift här råder inget tvivel,

är en vägledning för dem som fruktar Gud och ständigt har Honom för ögonen.

Tidigare månad - Senare månad



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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