gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Alla inlägg den 11 september 2010

Av Kristin - 11 september 2010 20:53

The last day of Eid Al-Fitr is coming to his end and a whole year till next ramazan.

Its also 9 years ago World Trade Center got hit by two planes sent by Al Qaida. A horrible happening! Now when its almost 10 years ago it feels like people are starting to forget about this. It cant be forgoten!

Yes I am a muslim and people hates mostly muslim people for what happen at that day. But one big thing is that all muslim is not in Al-Qaida, far away from it. Islam has so many diffrent directions, same like in Christianity. The main directions are Shia or Sunna, but also in this two there are some groups. If I remember right its 4 diffrent groups in Sunna. Me and my mans family belong to Shafi. 10 % of all muslims in the world is Shia and Al-Qaida is one of them.

Anyway do some reserch before you deside what to think about Islam!

About USA, I think its great that they will build a Camii (mosque) at ground zero. What is a better way to make clear that people from All diffrent religion, cultur, race and handicap can live together!

So many war have been fighted, so many persons have been killed, so many have been treated bad and so many have got there house and future destroyed.

Lets do better from now on. Help people that need help, just ask the person next to you; How are you today?

And maybe you will bring that person a smile, a smile he/she will maybe remember for a long time.

An exampel... instead of just reading peoples status on facebook send a message, ask how they really are!

I am one of those that is just reading and Im so ashame of my self...Im not better then anyone!

Av Kristin - 11 september 2010 18:36

OMG! Im so damn irritated!

I have been trying to fix in a Google translate here, so people that have alittle hard for english should be able to changs to there own language. Like into swedish or turkish...but no no. I got the link kind off in easy, but to get it to translate from english to swedish did not want to work!!! Ahhhh!!! So if it does pleace tell me!

And now I realize its 18,30 and I should have been out walking an hour ago...but I dident becouse off damn google, igoogle and google translate...had to delete my gmail to make it work.

Av Kristin - 11 september 2010 12:31

The whole house is now cleand, feels great. Should have done it yesterday but well I was lazy. Now I just waiting for the floor to get dry so I can lay out the carpets.

I like to clean, or I mean I like it when its clean. Hate to have dirt under my feets, dute even have a speciall smell I cant stand. So the vacuum cleaner is out dancing two times a week, mondays and normaly fridays!

Also my computer is looking as new, dont want to touch him to much...

Time for lunch, though Im not hungry. Will be an omellet today too, with potatos, hallomi and some paprika!

Av Kristin - 11 september 2010 11:00

This words I got this morning when I showed My Man the photos on my new scarfs.

No other words could be more lovely.

- ''its great aşkim, you made me falling love to u 2, time.''

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I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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