gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Alla inlägg den 12 september 2010

Av Kristin - 12 september 2010 22:00

Its two years me and My Man meet face to face first time, in Kemer Turkey.

He had been traveling 21 hours by bus from his hometown Mersin to see me.

And I had been traveling 5 hours to see him, but we got there 10 hours before and in middle of the night.

Ahahah so many memories are coming up...

I had blue leggins and a gray cardigan, he thought it was horrible! But it can also be becouse I had 15 kg extra fat then that I dont have now days!! Allah sukur (Thanks Allah) I just remember I was swedding lika a pig, which I have never done the other times I've been down there. Just becouse of that 15 kg fat....I feel sick.

Accerly its becouse if My man I understod I was that big. He was honest and just told me straight in face! One of the best things he have done for me, I dont need any more gifts from him. Maybe just that he help me keep this weigh I have now. But I sould be happy if I could lose 5 more...

Anyway, our first day together was little unreal for me. I think I was in chock becouse I dont remember that much from it. We walked mustly around. He invited for lunch and it was first time I ate real turkish food (köfte-meatballs). Which was lamb so I could not get it down in my stomack...so I gave the most to a cat that was there.

He showed me his hotel that he stayed at and when we got there he is giving me gift...and I dident have anything for him...

I got a coffemug from Starbucks with Izmir on, a necklace and the charm was my name and also some candy.

Later under the day I introdused him to my friend that was my support if something should happen. Which it dident. Im glad I had them there with me. We had super fun on a boat trip!

I miss those times but I cant say I wish it was that time now.

I love where we are today. We are going day by day to our future and it will be much better then the past. Insallah!

Av Kristin - 12 september 2010 20:00

Yes, it was to wake up at 8 am and pick up grandmum one hour later.

We were going on a car rally on south Gotland, arranger they gave us a map on diffrent stations that we should stop at. Visit people in there homes and some other cultur and nature events.

1. Start line in Öja churtch. One of Gotlands biggest and most remarkable, but mostly famouse from his trimph crucifix.


2. We drive to Faludden and visit Labans bakery, there he talked about how he started up his bakery for 20 years ago. Started in there own kitchen and it want bigger so had to move to to many other places on the farm, now he is baking in the barn (cowhouse) but with out cows. Mostly they bake on ''dinkel'' its a special flour that they produce by them self.  

3. Lilla Sindarve och family Thomasson, opening up there barn with 100 cows. Also that house have belonged to my passed away grandpas parents. A big lovely house with a more bigger frutegarden. Grandmum and I tasted a plum, a plus for them.


On our way to number 4 we stoped at Hamra churtch to look over some relative graves and ate our tasty picknick in the sun.



4. Fredarve-Slottet (Fredarve-Castel) at Hule Hällar. A ruin form a medieval house, it had been four floors when Carl von Linné was here on Gotland at 1741. Now its just the stove left.



5. You drive to Bonsarve and there you find a restored windmill. You went all the way up in the topp and when we came down the offerd applecookie and lemonwater. Thats what is needed when you go on high heights.



6. Muskmyr. There you find many kinds of land, flowers, birds and a special animal a Muskox. Sadly they were hiding somewhere on the 40 hectare so we could not see them.

7. Körsbärsträdgården at Västergårda Sundre. The new built art gallery and there graden is open for visit.


8. Limestone quarry at Sundre. Not even grandmum had been there before and dident even know about it. There they are breaking stones and saling to Stockholm there its in fashion to have this Gotlandish limestone.

9. Gullstaini (The golden stone). When we got there it was closed, but we have seen this place many times before so we drove on and looked just on the beautiful view.

10. Finish line at Vamingbo churtch. There we could look around in the priest vicarage, Naturum, Forum Baltic Sea, Museum Lars Jonsson or maybe take a coffe in there café. Also the new Governor of Gotland spoke.

At the museum grandmum bougth me two postcards that I will make painting of.



A great day with sun, laughter and interesting information.

Welcome and visit Gotland, make same trip as we did!!

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I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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