gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Direktlänk till inlägg 13 oktober 2010

Town with Natalie

Av Kristin - 13 oktober 2010 19:14

I have been spending my afternoon in Visby with Natalie.

Came late in to town becouse of road construction...Why could I not have been listening at the local radio? Then I could have taken another road.

But I had some fun in the line, infront of me I had a new flashy sportcar and infront of that one truck that came with stuff to the road. This two made me laugh.

When we start driving the sportcar stopes in the middle of way just when we passed the guard, then realice how to drive. Later the truck is going over to the wrong side (for us) there they were laying the new road, and the sportcar belive he is supose to drive there too so turn over but then the truck start to back. Ahahha so funny to see the person wave the hand to me and I understand he need help where he should drive. So Im sitting in my car jumping and waving my hand in the right directin. Me in a Ford Escort 97 helped a new flashy sportscar!!

After I had enough so I pass it and see its a girl driving! Damn it! It should have been much more funny if it was a guy.

Well in town so stands Natalie there and have been waiting 30 min. Sorry!!

But we had fun on the café. We got each a baguett, I took a seafood mix and she a chicken mix without sallad. Sat there and talked about old memories and shoes!!

Then we went down to the british pub but it was closed. So it was just to walk up all the long hill we almost falled down from earlyer. Then we did some window shoping, best thing when you dont have any money. But I got a wedding magazine...just had to!

Sadly I had to go home but first shop some groceries.

At home it was just to start do dinner, flatfish filé in dill sauge and potatos. Lovely!!

And some yesterdays apple pie as dessert. Now ''Farmer looking for wife'' on tv.


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Kristin - 10 februari 2014 09:28


Av Kristin - 9 februari 2014 17:00


Av Kristin - 30 januari 2014 20:23

Idag har jag varit duktig och bakat bröd, denna gången blev det ett pumpa och valnötsbröd.   ...

Av Kristin - 26 juli 2012 23:32

Gud imorgon är sista dagen innan helg och gud så skönt de skall bli. De blir en helg med massa städande och solande. Allt skall fixas innan vi flyttar på onsdag! Så nästa vecka blir tuff för när vi har flyttat skall de tapetseras, möbleras och städas...

Av Kristin - 21 juli 2012 16:48

Sitter på balkongen i solstolen med blå händer. För på förmiddagen var vi i skogen och plockade blåbär. Första gången för Gökhan men han var ändå snabbare än mig på att plocka. Letade efter svamp också men de var inte lika lyckat....



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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