gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Direktlänk till inlägg 4 oktober 2010

We are eating ourselves to death

Av Kristin - 4 oktober 2010 10:03

Yesterday evening I watched a old serie on tv3play from 2007,  

''We are eating ourselves to death'' .

> First program, was about kids and how they get bullied about their fatness. How they are fighting mentally agains others and in person.

> Second program, woman trying to get pregnant but they cant becouse of there fatness. In that program I got nervous, I have always been fat and accerly the midwife have told me I have to lose weight otherwise I should have problem. And I was at that time 85 kg! Think about those who are around 100 kg...

Today when I woke up one of the first things I did was to stand up on the wave, there it said 67.7 kg!! I have been able to keep my weight after ramazan, I feel so great.

> Third program, about people that was depending on suger and fat. They lied about how much they ate. Even people that stod at work on the toaletts eating in secret. Bought extra cakes when they were gonna have guests and then on nights going up and sitting and eating what was left over.

Its horrible how this can happen.

Where did this problem with fatness come from?

I can just wish people to wake up, not just those who have this problem. Everyone have to think about it, doctor have to help them more, society should help by not bully.

So today I will burn calories by clean the whole house from top to bottom and then go out walking 2 hours. I never want to be fat again!


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Kristin - 10 februari 2014 09:28


Av Kristin - 9 februari 2014 17:00


Av Kristin - 30 januari 2014 20:23

Idag har jag varit duktig och bakat bröd, denna gången blev det ett pumpa och valnötsbröd.   ...

Av Kristin - 26 juli 2012 23:32

Gud imorgon är sista dagen innan helg och gud så skönt de skall bli. De blir en helg med massa städande och solande. Allt skall fixas innan vi flyttar på onsdag! Så nästa vecka blir tuff för när vi har flyttat skall de tapetseras, möbleras och städas...

Av Kristin - 21 juli 2012 16:48

Sitter på balkongen i solstolen med blå händer. För på förmiddagen var vi i skogen och plockade blåbär. Första gången för Gökhan men han var ändå snabbare än mig på att plocka. Letade efter svamp också men de var inte lika lyckat....



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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