gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Direktlänk till inlägg 13 december 2010


Av Kristin - 13 december 2010 15:08

This day have been a day full of things to do. I had been planing to wake up early to start my laundry, but instead I  wake up at 11 am.

I go up start to gather my clothes together, goes down stairs and start the washing machine. And the rest of the day I hav been vacuum cleaning, dusting in windows and the floors. I even showerd the flowers!

I have also started to pack my things down becouse Im going back home to Gotland on sunday morning. You maybe think its long time left until sunday but when you are working from wednesday to late saturday, well then you maybe understand.

It feels good that I am done with the most, tomorrow I have to see if the bike I got from my dear cousin fits in my car so I know if I can take it with me home.

Speaking of my cousin, I was visiting them yesterday. Her dad had his birthday last wednesday and we celebrated it yesterday. They had been baking so much cookies, bisquits and a big birthdaycake!

To bad I was not so hungry becouse those bisquits was so good!

When we were leaving I got 4 fantastic home made candlesticks that I will give to relatives at home. A big Thanks for those!!

Now I will fix the last laudry and then sit and relax and wait for my renters to come home, they call an hour ago to invite for a moving-out-goodbye-dinner. Wonder what they will make..?


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Kristin - 10 februari 2014 09:28


Av Kristin - 9 februari 2014 17:00


Av Kristin - 30 januari 2014 20:23

Idag har jag varit duktig och bakat bröd, denna gången blev det ett pumpa och valnötsbröd.   ...

Av Kristin - 26 juli 2012 23:32

Gud imorgon är sista dagen innan helg och gud så skönt de skall bli. De blir en helg med massa städande och solande. Allt skall fixas innan vi flyttar på onsdag! Så nästa vecka blir tuff för när vi har flyttat skall de tapetseras, möbleras och städas...

Av Kristin - 21 juli 2012 16:48

Sitter på balkongen i solstolen med blå händer. För på förmiddagen var vi i skogen och plockade blåbär. Första gången för Gökhan men han var ändå snabbare än mig på att plocka. Letade efter svamp också men de var inte lika lyckat....



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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