gokris - In the Life We Live Together

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Av Kristin - 21 december 2010 22:27

Today me and my dear friends Elin and Johanna have been busy making lots of Christmas candy.

We made...snickers, cornflaks drops, cocos squares, wienernougat, lime caramel and Johanna a gingerbread house. We also got toffee from my grandmum.

With safety I can guarantee that I will have a tasty Christmas!

Just before they came I had just put our dinner in oven, Janssons frestelse. It was first time I made it, but with lots of cream nothing can go wrong! So tonight we had a mini Christmas table with: herring, egg, meatballs, mini sausage, Jansson, beetroot salad, chees and bread.

All of us was so full and tired afterwards so we landed infront of the tv with our candy as dessert. A great ending of this day!

Av Kristin - 16 december 2010 15:31

Today is the Day of Ashure.

A day that is celebrated of all muslims but depending on if you are Sunna or Shia.

In Sunna they celebrate it in momories of Noah. It says that when Noah and his ask rested on the Mount Ararat they had not so much food left so for dinner they cooked together what they had and it bacame a pudding. Noah's pudding also called Ashure now days. This pudding contains on wheat, rice, beans, chick peas, sugar, dried fruits, and nuts. On the top before serving you can put sesame seeds, pomegranate kernels, and rose water, as well as cinnamon.

Shia muslims celebrate this day as a memorie of the Battle of Karbala. There they are mourning for the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, which was the grandson of Muhammed (saw).

In a very small part of the shiiter, they show this mourning by giving them self the same pain they had in the battle. Men, woman and kids cut them self to show sympathy. But as I said its a very small part of the shiiter that does that.

One thing that is common in this to parts of muslims is that its good points to fast under this days. Sunna, becouse Noah had not much food on that day. Shia, the people in battle had no food at all.

Happy Ashure!

Av Kristin - 14 december 2010 16:04

I have been making a gingerbread house today as a present for my renters.

For me its a tradition to make one every year.

This one I faked alittle by buying ready parts just to glue together.

It turned out preety good!

Glued together

Final result

Av Kristin - 13 december 2010 21:39

Ay ay so good food I have been eating tonight. It took long time but the result turned out good!

My renter have been cooking me a moving-out-goodbye-dinner. And he made baked potatos with Chevre chees, beef, tomato garlic sallad and bearnaisesauce.

I got a feeling of summer evening and you sit there and the sun goes down and you can hear the grasshoppers starts play. But in reall we sat down and ate all four together with lighted candles and the snow shimmering outside which was so nice.

Av Kristin - 13 december 2010 15:08

This day have been a day full of things to do. I had been planing to wake up early to start my laundry, but instead I  wake up at 11 am.

I go up start to gather my clothes together, goes down stairs and start the washing machine. And the rest of the day I hav been vacuum cleaning, dusting in windows and the floors. I even showerd the flowers!

I have also started to pack my things down becouse Im going back home to Gotland on sunday morning. You maybe think its long time left until sunday but when you are working from wednesday to late saturday, well then you maybe understand.

It feels good that I am done with the most, tomorrow I have to see if the bike I got from my dear cousin fits in my car so I know if I can take it with me home.

Speaking of my cousin, I was visiting them yesterday. Her dad had his birthday last wednesday and we celebrated it yesterday. They had been baking so much cookies, bisquits and a big birthdaycake!

To bad I was not so hungry becouse those bisquits was so good!

When we were leaving I got 4 fantastic home made candlesticks that I will give to relatives at home. A big Thanks for those!!

Now I will fix the last laudry and then sit and relax and wait for my renters to come home, they call an hour ago to invite for a moving-out-goodbye-dinner. Wonder what they will make..?

Av Kristin - 28 november 2010 20:37

Im laying here in bed eating muffins and drinking glögg. I am so worth it!

A long week with lots of guest and heavy work, my body feels like a banana. I have pain in my back and knees, my feeths are swollen and in my hand I have a blister from opening wine bottles. I think I opened up around 50 bottle just under saturdays show, so maybe this week I totaly opened up 100.

Today its sunday and normally most people drink light beer and mineralwater. But nope not my guests, they want white wine, red wine, shots, drinks and dessert. No easy sunday here!

So now I will continue my evening with eating mandarins and more glögg, watch Swedish Idol and just relax.

Av Kristin - 25 november 2010 13:58

I have now changed my ticket home to Gotland, so now I will be home the 19 december instead of the 20'th.

I miss everyone at home, I have never missed them so much before. But I guess I have growed up and start to realize what family and friends mean.

I will also get one more day to clean the house for christmas, make a gingerbreadhouse and lots of candy!

Yes I am muslim but the tradition is still in my blood. Nothing is better then to sit on christmas day and watch ''Karl-Bertil Jonssons Julafton'' and eat ''knäck''. Lots of food on the table and go visit all relatives and sit there enjoy the time we have together.

Yesterday I sat infront of the fireplace, I had candles lighted up and I drank ''glögg'' (non alcoholic) and ate mandarins. What a feeling!!


Av Kristin - 22 november 2010 12:44

Hmm.. Im sitting here and smell that someone of the students is making food down in the basement. A smell of pasta...

But the thing is that it dosent make me hungry and normaly I should run to the kitchen and make my self some food. Last night when I came home from work I was not eather hungry so I just took a mandarin, banana and some chokolate. And this morning I have just been eating one sandwish...that aint so good. So technical I should be sooo hungry!

Accerly I want one thing but I have to go to the store to get it and its snowing lots outside. Which means I have to do lots to just get what I most want...

I dont know if I am willing to do that, becouse all I want is a big bag of CHIPS!!

Oh oh and I have avokado at home, guess what I could do with that?! Yeah I could do guacamole and then dip the chips in it and sit infront of a good movie and just get relaxed!!

Damn it! Can someone please go to the store for me and buy....Chips and yoghurt??

And when you are there you could also get mandarins, bananas, green paprika, tomatos and pasta. Then I should be saved for this week!

Is it anyone that could do that for me?



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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