gokris - In the Life We Live Together

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Av Kristin - 18 november 2010 16:17

If I should say it my self then I have been doing some pretty good things today!

I have been cleaning the whole house, even the toilet and shower got a new face. So now it smells fresh lemon everywhere.

In the afternoon I went out walking, it was a cold walk so I had to keep up the tempo to keep warm. On half way I almost fall becouse the new snow was hiding the icy patches on way, but everything went good. I just did a dance for the man passing me with car, he looked little strange at me. Hahaha it was funny!

Well at home I made me a big pottle of vanilla tea, a plate with frutes, lighted up some candle, sat down wrapped around in a blanket and watched a movie.

Am I enjoying winter? Yes I think I do!

I took this photo 2 days ago, sadly the sun was not shining this bright today.

Av Kristin - 16 november 2010 19:00

Herkes Iyi Kurban Bayrami!!

Today we have started the celebration of Kurban Bayram also called Eid Al-Adha.

We celebrate it for the memory of Ibrahim and that he was willing to offer his son to Allah. They also say it was Ibrahim, his wife and son that built Kaaba.

Under Kurban you are offering a animal to Allah, it can be a goat, cow or camel. Just its a animal in good health and gets killed on a halal way you may offer it.

Most of the meat you get from the slaughter you have to give away to people that is in more need of it then you.

This eid is all about to give something that someone eals needs better.

I have never been in Mersin under Kurban but I can imagine its like Ramazan. The men goes to speciall namaz under the first day. Second day you do the slaughter and the woman have a whole days work infront of them. Under the evening its a fest of celebration with all family. And all the food is included lamb meat....

One part of me is missing the fest but other half is so happy for not being there and have to eat that meat. If I should say it in a nice way, my body can not take in lamb.

Hopefully I will learn eat one day becouse I will have to do this some day.


Av Kristin - 14 november 2010 00:04

Right now we passed the line for 3 months!!

So left is 2 months...

I wish it was just 1 left, but we are in half november already which means its 36 days left until Im back on Gotland. And that I look forward to!

Home to my grandparents that can be a pain sometimes but so beloved.

Home to my parents to get fights ike we always do.

Home to all cars and dog which I miss everyday when Im out walking.

Also start clean, cook and bake for christmas, I will make lots of toffee!

Ohh time pass easy by!!!

Av Kristin - 8 november 2010 19:57

Sitting here and my stomach is full of good food! Made chicken, pomme chateau and bearnaise sauce. MmmmMmmmm! I love it! I told my self yesterday I was gonna be healthy the rest of my time here in Örebro but it feels like I will not be able to keep that promise...At least no dessert, if I want to eat it will be frutes!

So I walked to the store and shoped my weekly grocerys which is not that far but to walk back with a bag on almost 5 kg was not so easy. People along the way look at me like I was crazy. But at least I enjoyed the walk in -4C and a shiny sun. And on half way home out jumps 2 deers and runs in far away from a other girl that comes in other direction and then they sees me and get panic. Not offen you are able to see them and this was not in morning or evening, nope in middel of day. So its not true that they are most active in sunrice and sunset.

Rest of my day I have been lazy watching tv and tried to study turkish but that dident go well. Its so hard and I have no idea what I am learing. I dont even know that grammer in swedish...so how is it possible for my to learn it in turkish?

Anyway I will try one more time tomorrow and maybe do some test on internet to see how much that accerly stucked in my brain.

Now its time for some lazy time infront of some stupid series on the web.

Av Kristin - 2 november 2010 09:50

Hmm, last night movie was pretty good! At least I keeped me awak to midnight. And even if I was so tired I woke up before my alarm at 8 am, amazing.

Right now Im finishing my breakfast and then I will go out walking. I have been eating so much and so good this weekend Elin have been up. So my weight is no longer on 65...its 2 kg more!

And it dident help that it was Biggest loser Sverige on tv last night. One of the guys there have now lost over 30 kg and on just 8 weeks. How is that possible? I lost 20 kg on 2,5 year. Sure I dident do much work for losing just walking, walking and walking. No hard training as they are doing. So today I feel pushed to go out and walk a long walk on over an hour. Out in the woods and smell the fresh air, Mmmm!





Av Kristin - 29 oktober 2010 12:59

This morning my brain was not working as it should!!

When I woke up...I thought it was middle of the night and I just got home from work so it was time for me to sleep. But actually it was 9 am and I had already been sleeping for 8 hours and just turned on computer to wake up...

How is this weekend gonna end!?

I have now been out shoping some grocerys. So now I have one big bowl with candy and one even bigger bowl with frutes. In store it was lots of people running around which made my brain start to realize its daytime!

Av Kristin - 25 oktober 2010 13:59

OHH!! That was a really long bike ride...

From Marieberg to work in Adolfsberg, from there I went to see the old parts I lived last year and its really far! But if I got into the game I have to deal with it. And then it was just to ride back home all the way...

I can tell you I have just bike rided 2 times earlyer this year, so my ass hurts pretty much now!! The best thing to come home is the shower, Mmmm so nice hot water on stone cold feets.

Just before I jumped in I steped up on the scale and there it says 65,6 kg!!!!! I am on my wishful weight, GOALLLL!!! Amazing 2,5 year and 20 kg lighter and happier.

I will celebrate this with a good omellet and just hang around at home watch lots of movies.

Av Kristin - 22 oktober 2010 23:59

Work havent been that bad today, was pretty nice.

Just some extra booking we had to make place for and a salmon allergic that had not been told to us and she was mad all evening until she got a free dessert

(she took the cheapest one!)

But I had 2 other table that was very kind and laughing to my unbelivable bad joks!

Best thing of the day ,I got good tip and all guests said keep on smiling becouse that is one of the best things of tonight!

I can just say InsAllah, this season will be funny and great guests...



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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