gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Recipes

Av Kristin - 30 april 2011 13:14

Okay, now I have been looking around in Gimo centrum! It took totally 30 min, 10 min by car back and forward  and the rest I spent inside ICA. Thats it of Gimo.

I bought some bread, philadelfiacheese and grapes so I have breakfast at my room. Becouse today when I went to eat breakfast at 9 when the staff normally eat it, well then the guests was not done yet so we had to wait. Sure if you are working you have something eals to do under the time, for me it was just to sit there. And I sat there until 10 and then one cook said you can take this break and so I did and  left after finishing it. So tomorrow I can eat breakfast when I want to, I just need to go there to drink a cup of tea.

Now its soon 13,30 so lets see if the lunch is ready ...

Av Kristin - 27 april 2011 20:00

This is how it looked like this morning at 5,30 am when I drove from home!  Cold, raw weather and a beautiful sun going up.

After the boat it was time to drive towards Stockholm, first time I drove there and I can say it was little hard to hold the wheel of all sweat ... But it went well! I just drove wrong one time and it was not a big deal.

Now I sit here in a hotel room and have just been eating my first dinner. Meet some of the staff and they seem super nice! But so much to learn, so tomorrows first day will be lots of information. Wish me luck!

Av Kristin - 25 april 2011 18:37

This afternoon I have been with my grandmum at Levide on a coffe party.

The community center had been baking 32 diffrent kinds of cookies, buns and desserts. Grandmum had been teaching 6 ladys how to do ''skarpskyttar'' and I can say they had not succeeded like my grandmum. She had also made 150 ''rullrån'' and it is so much work on it, sadly they put them out to late on table so we were not able to get one.

After 3 hours of eating, drinking and talking we drive home and I can say I am now tired! So it will be a soft evening with some movies.


Av Kristin - 23 april 2011 09:12

Cozy breakfast infront of my old favorit tv serie Disneydags!

Av Kristin - 18 april 2011 15:27

I am sitting here in the sun and drinking a cup of tea with a bananacake.

I have been relaxing here all afternoon, listening to music, played OKEY which I won a whole round! But I realize now that it wasent that good to drift away into the game, I feel that my shoulders have got little to much sun for today ... well I not gonna be in Mersin this summer so I have to take every singel opportunity to find sun here in Sweden!

Av Kristin - 15 april 2011 22:05

... we sat next to Marina and ate Maras Icecream!

Av Kristin - 13 april 2011 09:33

I am sitting here and drinking my earl grey tea and a sandwish with hushållsost on.

So nice to eat a cheese that taste something and hushållsost actually it taste alittle bit to strong for me. Normaly its that cheese with most kind taste and in our house we call it kidscheese. Turkeys cheese is not strong at all just salty and the yellow cheese is just cheese, like air.

But on the otherside the tea at Mersin is SO much better then just a earl grey teabag. It takes 2 min to make it and compared to Turkey it take 10-15 min. As longer the tea takes as better it goes, anneanne has a finesse when she making it I dont know what but hers always become with a sweet taste. She dont put suger in it so it have to be Love!



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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