gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Direktlänk till inlägg 22 februari 2011

Mountain house

Av Kristin - 22 februari 2011 17:48

It was first time Gökhan and I was at our mountain house today. Its so high up in the mountain so you can feel your ears getting same pressure as in airplanes and we could also see the snow lawing on a mountain little far away from us. The temperatur there was 5 C and here at home it's 15 C, so for me it was so cold and I was wishing I had my winter clothes!


We went there to cut and spray medicine on all trees. Dede and Gökhan did that when Ayşe made up fire for BBQ and I was in kitchen cleaning up after some construction guys and then I made our sallad by using a tray as cutting board! We havent started to fix in that house yet so we have very limited things there. But we got our lunch, çay and fruits anyway!

When we sat inside and drank our çay a dog came up at terass and looked after food rest, but the thing was that our gate was closed so how came the dog in? Yeah we realiced later that she was climbing in on the roof of the little house dede made to have his tools in and then the dog was balance walking on the high fence. Then it was a simple thing to go inside and up to the terass. Such a smart dog and friendly. Gökhan and I went out walking and she was fallowing us everywhere and was playing and probably this was one of her happiest days. This is my dog from now on and her name is Daisy!



    Kom ihåg mig



Av Kristin - 10 februari 2014 09:28


Av Kristin - 9 februari 2014 17:00


Av Kristin - 30 januari 2014 20:23

Idag har jag varit duktig och bakat bröd, denna gången blev det ett pumpa och valnötsbröd.   ...

Av Kristin - 26 juli 2012 23:32

Gud imorgon är sista dagen innan helg och gud så skönt de skall bli. De blir en helg med massa städande och solande. Allt skall fixas innan vi flyttar på onsdag! Så nästa vecka blir tuff för när vi har flyttat skall de tapetseras, möbleras och städas...

Av Kristin - 21 juli 2012 16:48

Sitter på balkongen i solstolen med blå händer. För på förmiddagen var vi i skogen och plockade blåbär. Första gången för Gökhan men han var ändå snabbare än mig på att plocka. Letade efter svamp också men de var inte lika lyckat....



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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