gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Direktlänk till inlägg 31 januari 2011

Dinner at Ali's

Av Kristin - 31 januari 2011 09:10

Last saturday Gökhan and I was at dinner at our friend Ali. He was making drilled fish in oven and to it they served sallad. They always do here in Turkey, nothing eals then sallad, maybe çorba as starter.

For dinner Ali drank raki and he was pushing us to drink it but we are more religious then him. But I have never tried Raki before so he made me a glas anyway, and I can say I like it but I need much more water then he put. So every sip I took I drank some extra water before. But I learned something about it, if you dont want that strong taste afterwards you can eather drink some şalgam (a drink made out of red carrot) or eat a spone with yoghurt. Non of them worked for me but at least I have now tried Raki, even if it haram.

After dinner I gave him a Polkagris with tast of Viol. Every time I have been giong here I have given him Daim becouse he loves it but this time I tried something new. And it became a big hit that too!



Alis mum is so kind and everytime we are there at dinner she is spoiling us so much. First dinner, tea and dessert, then we get frutes and when we are all full we often sit down and watch some tv and then she come with turkish coffe. You can not move anywhere when you are done.

We tried that evening to look into our future in coffe, Gökhan had sign of Allah, Aii had fire and I had a wolf. And both Gökhan and me had a thick round spot in middle of the cup, they said it meant that someone was looking over us.

So we will see what will happen...... 



    Kom ihåg mig



Av Kristin - 10 februari 2014 09:28


Av Kristin - 9 februari 2014 17:00


Av Kristin - 30 januari 2014 20:23

Idag har jag varit duktig och bakat bröd, denna gången blev det ett pumpa och valnötsbröd.   ...

Av Kristin - 26 juli 2012 23:32

Gud imorgon är sista dagen innan helg och gud så skönt de skall bli. De blir en helg med massa städande och solande. Allt skall fixas innan vi flyttar på onsdag! Så nästa vecka blir tuff för när vi har flyttat skall de tapetseras, möbleras och städas...

Av Kristin - 21 juli 2012 16:48

Sitter på balkongen i solstolen med blå händer. För på förmiddagen var vi i skogen och plockade blåbär. Första gången för Gökhan men han var ändå snabbare än mig på att plocka. Letade efter svamp också men de var inte lika lyckat....



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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