gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Alla inlägg den 14 november 2010

Av Kristin - 14 november 2010 09:53

Happy Father's Day!!


This is said on Wikipedia about Fathers day:

''Father's Day originated in the 1910s the United States. The initiative came from Mrs.. John B. Dodd of Spokane, Washington state, who wanted to honor his father, Mr.. William Smart that he alone brought up her and her five siblings on their farm in Washington since his wife when she gave birth to the family's sixth child, died in childbirth. Mrs.. Dodds initiative spread, and already in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared that he supported the idea. It would take until 1966 before President Lyndon B. Johnson established the third Sunday of June as Father's Day throughout the United States.

Father's Day celebrated for the first time on 19 June 1910 in Spokane, Washington. The practice came to Sweden in 1931 and the day was celebrated at the beginning of June also in other Nordic countries. After requests from the Nordic trading community later was the time of Father's Day to November to be more in relation to Mother's Day. Father's Day falls therefore now on the second Sunday in November.''

Av Kristin - 14 november 2010 08:31

ثُمَّ عَفَوۡنَا عَنكُم مِّنۢ بَعۡدِ ذَٲلِكَ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَشۡكُرُونَ




Then, even after that, We pardoned you in order that ye might give thanks.




Sedan, även efter att vi överseende med er så att ni kan tacka.

Av Kristin - 14 november 2010 00:04

Right now we passed the line for 3 months!!

So left is 2 months...

I wish it was just 1 left, but we are in half november already which means its 36 days left until Im back on Gotland. And that I look forward to!

Home to my grandparents that can be a pain sometimes but so beloved.

Home to my parents to get fights ike we always do.

Home to all cars and dog which I miss everyday when Im out walking.

Also start clean, cook and bake for christmas, I will make lots of toffee!

Ohh time pass easy by!!!



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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