gokris - In the Life We Live Together

Alla inlägg under augusti 2011

Av Kristin - 10 augusti 2011 07:08

Ohh I want to sleep..!!

This is one of the bad things with ramazan and my work, I have to wake up so early. First of all iftar is now little after 9 on the evening which makes me not go to sleep until after 11. Then its time to wake up at 3 in morning for sahur and eat breakfast, second time my alarm goes of is at 6.30 This is to little sleep for me!

I should maybe start sleeping aftr I come home from work but then the risk is that I cant sleep until after midnight and I dont think that will be better.


Av Kristin - 8 augusti 2011 20:49

Day 2 as oruc and I sit here and watch a danish program there they make dessert, my dinner is in oven waiting me. 

When  I sit here and watch I realise that I am not hungry at all, I should even be able to forget the time and go to bed without eating. It is amasing how my body and brain can working together and that just the smell of food can make me feel like I have eaten.

It can also help that I have an office work now day instead of working in the hotel business. Because last year I was so sick the first day of ramazan, I had fever and puked up all day. Or it can also be because it was the same day that Gökhan went into army. Unbelivable that it is one year ago seen he went in. Alhamdulillah that its over!

Yalla Kristin! 10 min left until itfar!!

Av Kristin - 7 augusti 2011 16:59

My first day as oruc of ramazan is going splendid!

I woke up at 2.45 to eat some of the rests of my bolognese and I got even suprised that it was so simple to eat at that time. Normaly I have such a hard time to eat in sahur.

I went back to sleep and dident wake up until the clock was almost 10. Rest of the day I  just been laying in sofa watch tv, talked to my husband and actually left the house to shop some food.

I also finally know all first sura in koran without looking at it! Last friday at work I started my arabic cours. As a start we will focus on the praying, what to do before and under.

First we went through how to do abdest (wudu), its the cleaning part you have to preform before namaz. After that we sat down and read Al-Fatiha over and over again.

Abdest, How to do!

  1. Wash hands up to the wrists thrice. Start with your right hand.
  2. Rinse your mouth three times with right hand.
  3. Poor water into your nose with right hand and blowout, three times.
  4. Wash the face three times, the water will touch your face from hairline to chin andfrom ear to ear.
  5. Wash your right arm up to elbow three times, doing the same with the left arm.
  6. Moisten your hands and pull gently over the hair.
  7. Moisten your hands and wash your ears with your thumb and forefinger.
  8. Moisten your hands and pull with the backside of your hand onto the neck.
  9. Wash your right foot up to the ankle three times. Do the same with the left foot.
Av Kristin - 6 augusti 2011 19:17

I just finished my big plate of pasta Bolognese and a knäckebröd sandwish and I am so full! 

But I had been thinking to be oruc (fasting) tomorrow. I will at least try to fast, I am not sure yet if my stomach is ready.Even if its 3 weeks ago seen I quit my job in Uppsala my stomach still cant take up all energi in the food I eat.

So tomorrow will be a test, if it turn out well I will continue ramazan being oruc. Insallah!

Today I have been saying bye to mum, she have been up here for 2 days and help me fix my new apartment. So now its just my new bed missing and its coming on wednesday! Tjohooo!!

I have also started to write down all adresses that I will need to send out our invitationcard to the guests from Sweden.

Now I will quitly vaccuumclean and then take the bike on a ride!



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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