gokris - In the Life We Live Together

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Av Kristin - 2 oktober 2010 21:58

Ohh I really love it to finally have better internet after so many years. We have had 0,20-0,25 Mbit for more then 5 year and now we are up in whole 1,5-2 Mbit!!

So absolutely all afternoon and evening I have been looking at all diffrent tv series. Specially 'Ullared' a big shoping center in south Sweden. It comes thousends of people there every day and shops for much much money!! They earn around 15 milion sek a day! The 30'th october 2009 they got in  22 162 368 sek. Amazing that people spend that much money.

Many when they see this program just want to go there sure I would like to Im a woman.  

But I also think...what if people thought about those who need that stuff and money more then we do!!! Maybe gave 20, 50 or 500 sek to for exampel Pakistan, what a diffrent we could make in the world!


Help the people that need it!! I did, do and will always do!

~ If you would like to click HERE and it takes you to the Red Cross! ~

Av Kristin - 1 oktober 2010 22:45

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,

I just read out whole Qur'an for the first time in my life!!


Av Kristin - 28 september 2010 21:06

OMG...I have never been so lazy seen I came home from Turkey in june. I woke up at 9 am, but was still so tired. So from 10 am to 3 pm I sleeped again. So beside I am sick I got sleepy sick too! Ahaha great!

But it was nice to sleep out. Just one problem, my head was so heavy from all indoor oxygen. So it was just to move my ass out in the storm...I hade to have hats on otherwise it shouldent have matter.

On half way I say a beautiful flower! A shining pink flower, that maid my day. It just stood there in all wind and coldness fall have come with. If that flower can survive I can also survive!!

Today was my first day of Shawwal, went great. Beside I want to drink water, eat throat tablets and Ipren all the time to make my sickness go down.

With Allah's help I will be able to do this 5 days that is left. InsAllah...

Av Kristin - 27 september 2010 19:43

My started with waking up at 4,30 to eat sahur. I done my last oruc today, I had one left from ramazan becouse I was sick one day.

But that dident stop me from going to Visby with Elin! Off we left in the storm and thanks god Elin drove slow otherwise we should have been in the ditch.

Well in town we walked everywhere. Elin found 3 t-shirts and stuff to her car.

I had not planed to buy anything. No money no shoping, logical right? But...I found workshoes which I need now when I soon start work again.

And becouse I feel that a cold has entered my body I got some fresh vitamines from green paprika, lemon and oranges.

My head feels totally blowed out from this day, but a good it was!

Av Kristin - 26 september 2010 21:12

I had 4 hours date on cam with my husband!!

I love it when we have our day together. Not a half hour here and there. You can really start a conversation with him.

Today we talked mostly about how army is going. He is little lucky to have just duty on daytime, all his friends are just having nightime. Sometimes he has partol on night, walking alone in dark on a small road close to a cliff. InsAllah he will keep control over his feets and not fall down from there...

Also we talked about when Im coming back to Turkey. Sadly the price has been going up on skyways. But I will see tomorrow if it have been going down again becouse its monday. Never know about this flightcompanys.

And some talk we had about our wedding...

Then he had to leave. Accerly me too, I was going to grandmum for coffe. Uncle was coming home and he had brought some hotdogs for our dog. He got crazy when he smelled it. I love to talk to older people, they know so much about life.

Now Im gonna read Quran! Finally after 2 weeks I can do it again. Alhamdulillah!!

Also I will do my last day of oruc tomorrow and then the 6 days of Shawwāl, InsAllah.

My husband said I could wait with doing them untill he is done with army. But I want to finish them now under the months of Shawwāl, just to be sure that Im doing right. And oruc is just from 5.06 to 18.42 at this time of year.

Bismillahi ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, With your help I will go through this days easy!

Av Kristin - 23 september 2010 21:33

I so bad want to read Quran! But as muslim woman I cant touch it when I have period, I can eather not pray which I also miss. Accerly I cant talk about my period, but I now will. SubhanAllah...

I havent had my period seen may so thats 4 months ago, and now my period have been going on for 2 weeks. But I can see the end, InsAllah! I really hope.

But to have this unregular period is normal for me. At least after I started to use birth control pills. It started with I had period just every second months and then it have been going bigger gap between. But that made the week go to a month, so from from 7 days to 28 days and constent period. Sound great? But it aint that bad accerly.

When I have my red week its not rivers that runs out of me, which many should think. But nope, its almost not notedly. I dont even need protection for it.

If we go back to Quran. Allah says if a woman are blesed with period she should first of all not use pills. She can not touch Quran, eather pray home or in mosque, not do heavy work.

Quran is holy so non durky person cant touch it. If you had period, sex, masterbation or not abdest, also you have to be properly dressed. If you are any of this you cant then lay your fingers on the Quran.

You can use sticks or gloves, but Allah see and know everything!

After my period I will take a shower  and make absolutely sure that Im clean on all my body, do abdest and then make dua. Just to signify Im clean again. Then its just to keep praying till next time.

Av Kristin - 21 september 2010 17:20





al-hamdu li'Llāhi Rabbi'l-ʿālamīn


Māliki yawmi'd-dīn

iyyāKa na'budū wa iyyāKa nasta'īn

ihdinā's sirāta'l-mostaqīm

sirāta'l-ladhīna an'amta 'alayhim ghayri'l-maghdūbi 'alayhim wa-la'dh-dhāllīn




I Guds, den Nåderikes, den Barmhärtiges namn

Lov och pris tillkommer Gud, världarnas Herre,

den Nåderike, den Barmhärtige,
som allsmäktig råder över Domens dag!
Dig tillber vi; Dig anropar vi om hjälp.
Led oss på den raka vägen
den väg de vandrat som Du har välsignat med Dina gåvor; inte de som har drabbats av [Din] vrede och inte de som har gått vilse!

Av Kristin - 20 september 2010 09:21

OMG! Gotlands people whats wrong with you??

1166 (3,1%) votes on SverigeDemokraterna... Thats 1166 to many!!

1. If its just some silly young new voters that just think it should be cool the see what would happen.

2. Or maybe old men that are affraid and insecure of the world around them.

Well I say...ASSHOLE! Dont you see what can happen, they are racists and nazis!

Do we want the time back when Hitler was the leader.

3. Sadly its some foreign residents that havent understod the diffrent of SvergieDemokraterna and SocialDemokraterna, becouse of the language difficulties.

Just look at Netherlands parliamentary, their FreedomParlament are now ruling.

A parlimant that are against muslim and all people that are diffrent from them. (Any bells calling back to Hitlers times?)

One of things the FreedomParliament demand should happen is that Quran shouls be forbidden in Nertherland.

All other parliaments does not want to cooperate with them, they see that its wrong.

And now many months after their voting they have not formed a government.

Its up to people them self to choose religion same as the politics. But when they are insulting people then its worng. Then we need to start do something!



I am Kristin, 23 and comes from Gotland Sweden.
My husband comes from Mersin Turkey.

You will follow my life in trying to fit into a turkish wifes life. Cultur, religion also in fun and sad times.
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